The first part was focused on asteroid dynamics to understand the origin and evolution of asteroid families, measuring the age of various families, simulating the evolution of each family member under the effect of Yarkovsky and YORP forces.
In the second part, the modeling of the external gravitational eld of a small celestial body was presented, applying dierent techniques such as, for example, the Mascon gravitational structure using a polyhedral-shaped source. The orbital dynamics of a spacecraft around various asteroid systems (Lutetia, Bennu, Sylvia, Antiope, Apophis) was studied.
The third part is a new line of investigation dedicated to Machine Learning applications to the dynamics related to a small body, which can be easily extended to other fields. Applying Deep Learning to: identification of asteroid families, a study of resonant dynamics in the Solar System, among others. Also using an approach based on time series analysis or predictions to present an indicator for detecting chaos.
Ph.D in Astronomy from Paris Observatory, France (2013), graduated in Mathematics from the University of Damascus, Syria (2004). I have experience in the field of astronomy with a focus on asteroid families and dynamics and control in the vicinity of irregularly shaped asteroids. I also have experience in different scientific languages in the Ubuntu environment, such as FORTRAN, C, MATLAB, LATEX, Machine Learning, Deep Learning in Python. During the period 2014 to 2021, I worked in about 40 different publications in international journals. My research developed over the last 7 years was divided into three main parts:

Astronomer and Data Scientist
- Website: https://safwanaljbaae.github.io/cv_Aljbaae/
- Phone: +55 12 996 35 35 36
- City: Pindamonhangaba-SP, Brazil
- Degree: Ph.D in Astronomy
- E-Mail: safwan.aljbaae@gmail.com
During the period covered by my postdoctoral fellowships (2014-2021), I worked in 38 different publications in international journals, which yields an average of about 4.6 articles per year. My ORCID iD is 0000-0003-2139-9850, and my researcherID is G-9950-2013 and a complete list of my publications can also found my Researchgate or in Google Scholar.
V Carruba, S. Aljbaae, R C Domingos, G Caritá, A Alves, and E M D S Delfino. Digitally filtered resonant arguments for deep learning classification of asteroids in secular resonances. MNRAS, 531(4):4432–4443, 06 2024.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, Z. Knežević, M. Mahlke, J. R. Masiero, F. Roig, R. C. Domingos, M. Huaman, A. Alves, B. S. Martins, G. Caritá, M. Lourenço, and S. C. Destouni. On the identification of the first two young asteroid families in g-type non-linear secular resonances. MNRAS, 528(1):796–814, February 2024.
A. K. de Almeida, T. Vaillant, V. M. de Oliveira, D. Barbosa, D. Maia, S. Aljbaae, B. Coelho, M. Bergano, J. Pandeirada, A. F. B. A. Prado, A. Guerman, and A. C. M. Correia. Tangential velocity constraint for orbital maneuvers with Theory of Functional Connections. Scientific Reports, 14:7479, March 2024.
G. A. Caritá, S. Aljbaae, M. H. M. Morais, A. C. Signor, V. Carruba, A. F. B. A. Prado, and H. Hussmann. Image classification of retrograde resonance in the planar circular restricted three-body problem. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 136(2):10, March 2024.
V Carruba, S. Aljbaae, Allan K. de Almeida, Aljbaae Safwan, Timothée Vaillant, Jhonathan M. Piñeros, Bruno Coelho, Domingos Barbosa, Miguel Bergano, João Pandeirada, Francisco C. Carvalho, Leonardo B.T. Santos, Antonio F.B.A. Prado, Anna Guerman, and Alexandre C.M. Correia. Theory of functional connections and nelder–mead optimization methods applied in satellite characterization.. Acta Astronautica, 215:548–559, 2024.
V Carruba, S. Aljbaae, Z Knežević, M Mahlke, J R Masiero, F Roig, R C Domingos, M Huaman, A Alves, B S Martins, G Caritá, M Lourenço, and S C Destouni. On the identification of the first two young asteroid families in g-type non-linear secular resonances. MNRAS, 528(1):796–814, 12 2023.
V. Carruba, J. I. B. Camargo, S. Aljbaae, F. S. Ferreira, E. Lin, V. Figueiredo-Peixoto, M. V. Banda-Huarca, A. Pieres, R. C. Boufleur, L. N. da Costa, T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, Sahar S. Allam, O. Alves, P. H. Bernardinelli, E. Bertin, D. Brooks, A. Carnero Rosell, J. Carretero, M. E. S. Pereira, T. M. Davis, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, P. Doel, I. Ferrero, D. Friedel, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, M. Gatti, G. Giannini, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, K. Herner, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, D. J. James, S. Kent, K. Kuehn, O. Lahav, J. L. Marshall, J. Mena-Fernández, R. Miquel, A. Palmese, A. A. Plazas Malagón, M. Rodríguez-Monroy, E. Sanchez, B. Santiago, M. Schubnell, M. Smith, E. Suchyta, M. E. C. Swanson, G. Tarle, A. R. Walker, N. Weaverdyck, P. Wiseman, and DES Collaboration Main belt asteroids taxonomical information from dark energy survey data. MNRAS, 527(3):6495–6505, January 2024.
G. A. Caritá, S. Aljbaae, A. F. B. A. Prado, A. C. Signor, M. H. M. Morais, and D. M. Sanchez Analysis of the natural orbits around Io. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 135(5):46, October 2023.
L. B. T. Santos, P. A. Sousa-Silva, M. O. Terra, S. Aljbaae, S, D. M. Sanchez, A. F. B. A. Prado, G. M. Oliveira, F. Monteiro, Jr. de Almeida, A. K., N. B. Lima, and N. B. D. Lima Analysis of the dynamics of a spacecraft in the vicinity of an asteroid binary system with equal masses. Planet. Space Sci., 233:105701, September 2023.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, G. Caritá, M. V. F. Lourenço, B. S. Martins, and A. A. Alves Imbalanced classification applied to asteroid resonant dynamics. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10:1196223, May 2023
L. B. T. Santos, Jr. de Almeida, A. K., P. A. Sousa-Silva, M. O. Terra, D. M. Sanchez, S. Aljbaae, A. F. B. A. Prado, and F. Monteiro. Numerical Investigations of the Orbital Dynamics Around a Synchronous Binary System of Asteroids. Revista Mexicana de Astronomiay Astroisica, 59:83, April 2023
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae , R. C. Domingos, M. Huaman, and B. Martins. Optimization of Artificial neural networks models applied to the identification of images of asteroids' resonant arguments. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 134(6):59, December 2022.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae , R. C. Domingos, M. Huaman, and W. Barletta. Machine learning applied to asteroid dynamics. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 134(4):36, August 2022.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, R. C. Domingos, M. Huaman, and B. Martins. Identifying the population of stable ν6 resonant asteroids using large data bases. MNRAS, 514(4):4803-4815, August 2022.
S. Aljbaae, J. Souchay, V. Carruba, D. M. Sanchez, and A. F. B. A. Prado. Influence of Apophis' spin axis variations on a spacecraft during the 2029 close approach with Earth. Romanian Astronomical Journal , 31(3):317-337, November 2021.
S. Aljbaae, D. M. Sanchez, A. F. B. A. Prado, J. Souchay, M. O. Terra, R. B. Negri, and L. O. Marchi. First approximation for spacecraft motion relative to (99942) Apophis. Romanian Astronomical Journal, 31(3):241-264, November 2021.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, R. C. Domingos, M. Huaman, and W. Barletta. Chaos identification through the autocorrelation function indicator (ACFI). Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 133(8):38, August 2021.
Rafael S. de Souza, Alberto Krone-Martins, Valerio Carruba, Rita de Cassia Domingos, E. E. O. Ishida, Safwan Aljbaae, Mariela Huaman Espinoza, and William Barletta. Probabilistic Modeling of Asteroid Diameters from Gaia DR2 Errors. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, 5(8):199, August 2021.
Guimarães A. H. F., S. Aljbaae, and A. F. B. A. Prado. The opportune location for a kinetic impactor to disrupt potentially hazardous asteroids. Planet. Space Sci., 206:105305, 2021.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, and R. Domingos. Identification of asteroid groups in the z1 and z2 nonlinear secular resonances through genetic algorithms. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 133(6):24, June 2021.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, R. Domingos, and W. Barletta. Artificial neural network classification of asteroids in the M1:2 mean-motion resonance with Mars. MNRAS, 504(1):692-700, June 2021.
L. B. T. Santos, L. O. Marchi, S. Aljbaae, P. A. Sousa-Silva, D. M. Sanchez, and A. F. B. A. Prado. A particle-linkage model for elongated asteroids with three-dimensional mass distribution. MNRAS, January 2021.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, Á. L. Fazenda, W. Barletta, A. Lucchini, B. Martins, and P. Furlaneto. Spin pairs in the Koronis asteroid family. Planet. Space Sci., 193:105083, November 2020.
L. B. T. dos Santos, L. Marchi, P. A. Sousa-Silva, D. M. Sanchez, S. Aljbaae, and A. F. B. A. Prado. Dynamics Around an Asteroid Modeled as a Mass Tripole. Revista Mexicana de Astronomiay Astrofisica, 56:269-286, October 2020.
S. Aljbaae, A. F. B. A. Prado, D. M. Sanchez, and H. Hussmann. Analysis of the orbital stability closeto the binary asteroid (90) Antiope. MNRAS, 496(2):1645-1654, June 2020.
S. Aljbaae, V Carruba, S Aljbaae, R C Domingos, A Lucchini, and P Furlaneto. Machine learning classication of new asteroid families members. MNRAS, 496(1):540-549, May 2020.
V. Carruba, F. Spoto, W. Barletta, S. Aljbaae, Á. L. Fazenda, and B. Martins. The population of rotational fission clusters inside asteroid collisional families. Nature Astronomy, 4:83-88, January 2020.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, and A. Lucchini. Machine-learning identification of asteroid groups. MNRAS, July 2019.
S. Aljbaae, T. G. G. Chanut, A. F. B. A. Prado, V. Carruba, H. Hussmann, J. Souchay, and D. M. Sanchez. Orbital stability near the (87) Sylvia system. MNRAS, 486:2557-2569, June 2019.
S. Aljbaae, J. Souchay, A. F. B. A. Prado, and T. G. G. Chanut. A dynamical study of the Gefion asteroid family. A&A, 622:A39, February 2019.
M. Huaman, F. Roig, V. Carruba, R. C. Domingos, and S. Aljbaae. The resonant population of asteroids in librating states of the ν6 linear secular resonance. MNRAS, 481:1707-1717, December 2018.
V. Carruba, D. Vokrouhlický, D. Nesvorný, and S. Aljbaae. On the age of the Nele asteroid family. MNRAS, 477:1308-1317, June 2018.
S. Aljbaae, V. Carruba, J. R. Masiero, R. C. Domingos, and M. Huaman. The Maria asteroid family. MNRAS, 471:4820-4826, November 2017.
T. G. G. Chanut, S. Aljbaae, A. F. B. A. Prado, and V. Carruba. Dynamics in the vicinity of (101955) Bennu: solar radiation pressure effects in equatorial orbits. MNRAS, 470:2687-2701, September 2017.
M. Huaman, V. Carruba, R. C. Domingos, and S. Aljbaae. The asteroid population in g-type non-linear secular resonances. MNRAS, 468:4982-4991, July 2017.
S. Aljbaae, V. Carruba, J. R. Masiero, R. C. Domingos, and M. Huaman. The Rafita asteroid family. MNRAS, 467:1016-1023, May 2017.
V. Carruba, B. Novaković, and S. Aljbaae. The Hoffmeister asteroid family. MNRAS, 465:4099-4105, March 2017.
S. Aljbaae, T. G. G. Chanut, V. Carruba, J. Souchay, A. F. B. A. Prado, and A. Amarante. The dynamical environment of asteroid 21 Lutetia according to different internal models. MNRAS, 464:3552-3560, January 2017.
M. A. Galiazzo, P. Wiegert, and S. Aljbaae. Influence of the Centaurs and TNOs on the main belt and its families. Astrophysics and Space Science, 361:371, December 2016.
V. Carruba, R. C. Domingos, S. Aljbaae, and M. Huaman. On the highly inclined vW leptokurtic asteroid families. MNRAS, 463:705-711, November 2016.
V. Carruba, D. Nesvorný, and S. Aljbaae. Characterizing the original ejection velocity field of the Koronis family. ICARUS, 271:57-66, June 2016.
V. Carruba, D. Nesvorný, S. Aljbaae, R. C. Domingos, and M. Huaman. On the oldest asteroid families in the main belt. MNRAS, 458:3731-3738, June 2016.
P. I. O. Brasil, F. Roig, D. Nesvorný, V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, and M. E. Huaman. Dynamical dispersal of primordial asteroid families. ICARUS, 266:142-151, March 2016.
V. Carruba, D. Nesvorný, S. Marchi, and S. Aljbaae. Footprints of a possible Ceres asteroid paleo-family. MNRAS, 458:1117-1126, May 2016.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, and O. C. Winter. On the Erigone family and the z2 secular resonance. MNRAS, 455:2279-2288, January 2016.
V. Carruba, D. Nesvorný, S. Aljbaae, and M. E. Huaman. Dynamical evolution of the Cybele asteroids. MNRAS, 451:244-256, July 2015.
T. G. G. Chanut, S. Aljbaae, and V. Carruba. Mascon gravitation model using a shaped polyhedral source. MNRAS, 450:3742-3749, July 2015.
V. Carruba, S. Aljbaae, and D. Souami. Peculiar Euphrosyne. ApJ, 792:46, 2014.
S. Aljbaae. Effets des astéroı̈des sur les mouvements orbitaux des planètes telluriques. Académiques Francophones, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-8416-2417-8.
S. Aljbaae and J. Souchay. Specific effects of large asteroids on the orbits of terrestrial planets and the ASETEP database. A&A, 540:A21, April 2012.
L. Cottereau, J. Souchay, and S. Aljbaae. Accurate free and forced rotational motions of rigid Venus. A&A, 515:A9, June 2010.
Safwan Aljbaae
Ph.D in Astronomy from Paris Observatory, France (2013), graduated in Mathematics from the University of Damascus, Syria (2004). I have experience in the field of astronomy with a focus on asteroid families and dynamics and control in the vicinity of irregularly shaped asteroids. I also have experience in different scientific languages in the Ubuntu environment, such as FORTRAN, C, MATLAB, LATEX, Machine Learning, Deep Learning in Python. During the period 2014 to 2021, I worked in about 40 different publications in international journals.
- Rua Suécia, 170, Pindamonhangaba-SP, CEP: 12445-620
- (12) 996-353536
- safwan.aljbaae@gmail.com
PhD in celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy
2009 - 2013
SYRTE, Paris Observatory, France
Topic: Effets of asteroids on the orbital movements of terrestrial planets. Fellowship: University of Damascus, Syria.
Master 2 research
2008 - 2009
Paris Observatory, France
Topic: Dynamics of Gravitational Systems. Fellowship: University of Damascus, Syria.
Master 1
2007 - 2008
Paris Observatory, France
Topic: Universe Science and Space Technology. Fellowship: University of Damascus, Syria
Intensive French course
2004 - 2005
French Language Centre, Damascus, Syria
Bachelor Mathematical Sciences
2003 - 2004
University of Damascus, Syria.
Specialty: Pure Mathematics.
General Baccalaureate
1998 - 1999
Shakib Arslan, Swaida, Syria.
Topic: Scientic Section.
Professional Experience
Data Scientist - 2RP Net
Feb./2022 - Present
2RP Net - Data-driven Company
Dealing in a daily basis with machine learning classication and prediction models.
Post doctoral - INPE
Nov./2021 - Jan./2022
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Studying missions that could benet from small satellite constellations. Fellowship: PCI - Scholarship- Programa de Capacitação Institucional.
Post doctoral - INPE
Nov./2019 - Oct./2021
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Analysing the nonlinear dynamics close to the binary asteroid (90) Antiope. Also, providing detailed numerical analysis describing the orbital dynamics of a spacecraft in the vicinity of (99942) Apophis and the eects on the rotational dynamics of this asteroid due to the Earth's encounter on April 2029. Fellowship: CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior.
Post doctoral - INPE
Nov./2018 - Oct./2019
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Studying the gravitational environment of the triple asteroid (87) Sylvia in the scenario of a possible future space mission using a new Mascon gravity structure approach. Fellowship: CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico.
Post doctoral - UNESP
Feb./2014 - Jun./2017
Universidade Estadual Paulista - Guaratinguetá
Measuring the age of several asteroid families by simulating the evolution of each member under the eect of Yrkovsky and YORP forces. A new method to model the external gravitational eld of a small celestial body was applied to various asteroid systems. Fellowship: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.
Reviewer of articles for international journals
From 2018
A&A - Astronomy and Astrophysics; Scientic Reports; AM - Applied Mathematics Journal; ASR - Advances in Space Research; MNRAS - MNRAS.