Safwan Aljbaae

I work on


Ph.D in Astronomy from Paris Observatory, France (2013), graduated in Mathematics from the University of Damascus, Syria (2004). I have experience in the field of astronomy with a focus on asteroid families and dynamics and control in the vicinity of irregularly shaped asteroids. I also have experience in different scientific languages in the Ubuntu environment, such as FORTRAN, C, MATLAB, LATEX, Machine Learning, Deep Learning in Python. During the period 2014 to 2021, I worked in about 40 different publications in international journals. My research developed over the last 7 years was divided into three main parts:

  • The first part was focused on asteroid dynamics to understand the origin and evolution of asteroid families, measuring the age of various families, simulating the evolution of each family member under the effect of Yarkovsky and YORP forces.

  • In the second part, the modeling of the external gravitational eld of a small celestial body was presented, applying dierent techniques such as, for example, the Mascon gravitational structure using a polyhedral-shaped source. The orbital dynamics of a spacecraft around various asteroid systems (Lutetia, Bennu, Sylvia, Antiope, Apophis) was studied.

  • The third part is a new line of investigation dedicated to Machine Learning applications to the dynamics related to a small body, which can be easily extended to other fields. Applying Deep Learning to: identification of asteroid families, a study of resonant dynamics in the Solar System, among others. Also using an approach based on time series analysis or predictions to present an indicator for detecting chaos.

Astronomer and Data Scientist


During the period covered by my postdoctoral fellowships (2014-2021), I worked in 38 different publications in international journals, which yields an average of about 4.6 articles per year. My ORCID iD is 0000-0003-2139-9850, and my researcherID is G-9950-2013 and a complete list of my publications can also found my Researchgate or in Google Scholar.


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Safwan Aljbaae

Ph.D in Astronomy from Paris Observatory, France (2013), graduated in Mathematics from the University of Damascus, Syria (2004). I have experience in the field of astronomy with a focus on asteroid families and dynamics and control in the vicinity of irregularly shaped asteroids. I also have experience in different scientific languages in the Ubuntu environment, such as FORTRAN, C, MATLAB, LATEX, Machine Learning, Deep Learning in Python. During the period 2014 to 2021, I worked in about 40 different publications in international journals.











PhD in celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy

2009 - 2013

SYRTE, Paris Observatory, France

Topic: Effets of asteroids on the orbital movements of terrestrial planets. Fellowship: University of Damascus, Syria.

Master 2 research

2008 - 2009

Paris Observatory, France

Topic: Dynamics of Gravitational Systems. Fellowship: University of Damascus, Syria.

Master 1

2007 - 2008

Paris Observatory, France

Topic: Universe Science and Space Technology. Fellowship: University of Damascus, Syria

Intensive French course

2004 - 2005

French Language Centre, Damascus, Syria

Bachelor Mathematical Sciences

2003 - 2004

University of Damascus, Syria.

Specialty: Pure Mathematics.

General Baccalaureate

1998 - 1999

Shakib Arslan, Swaida, Syria.

Topic: Scientic Section.

Professional Experience

Data Scientist - 2RP Net

Feb./2022 - Present

2RP Net - Data-driven Company

Dealing in a daily basis with machine learning classication and prediction models.

Post doctoral - INPE

Nov./2021 - Jan./2022

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

Studying missions that could benet from small satellite constellations. Fellowship: PCI - Scholarship- Programa de Capacitação Institucional.

Post doctoral - INPE

Nov./2019 - Oct./2021

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

Analysing the nonlinear dynamics close to the binary asteroid (90) Antiope. Also, providing detailed numerical analysis describing the orbital dynamics of a spacecraft in the vicinity of (99942) Apophis and the eects on the rotational dynamics of this asteroid due to the Earth's encounter on April 2029. Fellowship: CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior.

Post doctoral - INPE

Nov./2018 - Oct./2019

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

Studying the gravitational environment of the triple asteroid (87) Sylvia in the scenario of a possible future space mission using a new Mascon gravity structure approach. Fellowship: CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico.

Post doctoral - UNESP

Feb./2014 - Jun./2017

Universidade Estadual Paulista - Guaratinguetá

Measuring the age of several asteroid families by simulating the evolution of each member under the eect of Yrkovsky and YORP forces. A new method to model the external gravitational eld of a small celestial body was applied to various asteroid systems. Fellowship: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.

Reviewer of articles for international journals

From 2018


A&A - Astronomy and Astrophysics; Scientic Reports; AM - Applied Mathematics Journal; ASR - Advances in Space Research; MNRAS - MNRAS.


Dr. Jean Souchay

SYRTE-Observatoire de Paris

Dr. Souchay is my PhD supervisor in Paris Observatory (2009-2013), who is an excellent supervisor and mentor capable of motivating his teams in order to obtain maximum results. He was able to share his knowledge with me by showing confidence and patience.

  • SYRTE-Observatoire de Paris
  • 61, Av. de l'Observatoire
  • 75 014 Paris, France
  • Phone: +33 140512322
  • Dr. Valerio Carruba

    Faculdade de Engenharia e Ciências - Câmpus de Guaratinguetá

    Dr. Carruba is my postdoc supervisor in UNESP-FEG, Brasil (2014-2018), who has supported me throughout my first postdoctoral journey with his patience, knowledge, enthusiasm, sympathy and who was more than generous with his expertise and precious time.

  • Departamento de Matemática - Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Av. Dr. Ariberto Pereira da Cunha
  • 12516.410, Guaratinguetá, SP, Brasil
  • Phone: +55 12 31232196
  • Dr. Antonio Fernando Bertachini Almeida Prado

    Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE

    Dr. Bertachini is my postdoc supervisor in INPE, Brasil (2019-2022), who has been showing ideal leadership qualities in finding the perfect balance between offering guidance and freedom, mixing doses of pragmatism with great portions of openness to new ideas. I’ proud of, and grateful for, my time working with Bertachini, and I hope that our fruitful cooperation in the scientific field will continue

  • INPE
  • Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 - Jardim da Granja
  • 12445-620, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
  • Phone: +55 12 3208-6845
  • Dr. Diogo Merguizo Sanchez

    The University of Oklahoma

    I collaborated with Dr. Sanchez during my postdoc at INPE, Brasil (20189-2022). We engaged in frequent discussions on asteroid dynamics and successfully published several papers together. Dr. Sanchez demonstrated excptional skills in planning, managing, analyzing, and publishing rigorous research.

  • School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
  • 865 Asp Ave. Felgar Hall, Rm 209, Norman OK 73019, United States
  • Phone: +1 405 934-3494
  • Dr. Sadik Alharbat

    Dr. Alharbat had a significant impact on my academic journey during my studies in France. Besides being one of my closest friends, Sadik possesses a remarkable intellect, a great sense of humor, and a genuine passion for mathematical abstractions. Our shared perspectives on various humanitarian issues fostered a strong and fast-developing friendship.

  • Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7)
  • xxx
  • Phone: xxx
  • Contact


    Pindamonhangaba-SP, Brazil


    +55 12 996 353536

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